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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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robin coello
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POSTED ON Nov 9, 2023 2:01:28 GMT
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"We just need an ice stone," she promised the unhappy dragon. "In and out, okay?" The dragon followed behind her, moving its head carefully as the cave narrowed. Robin moved cautiously, expending more care than was often associated with her. She had heard about Shoal Cave from , and she knew she did not want to experience the depths. Still, she wanted her own Alolan Vulpix to reach her full potential, which required one of these stones. They were pricey, so Robin decided to risk the spelunking attempt for it.

They'd traveled for only ten minutes, so they weren't far into its depths, but she felt uneasy anyways. Ice pokemon skittered around them, sparse and unbothered by their slow travel. There was something about the lack of hearty activity in the cave that made her feel worry. Even graveyards had audacious spirits or loud night-travelling pokemon. Things were too... still.

"Think the stones will be easy to see in the cave walls?" She didn't really want to bring out an excavating pokemon. Her Carracosta wouldn't care for the environment, and Donphan lacked the finesse for such a job. Just as she pondered what to do for finding stones, she was divebombed by a zubat and cried out childishly before she could gather herself. Clearing her throat, she patted at her clothing to put herself back together. "You didn't witness that," she told Dragapult sternly.

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March 18
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Shalin Nariya
spelunking spirit [m][o]
POSTED ON Nov 9, 2023 16:43:43 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Sliding off Artea's back and onto the snowy sands north of Moddseep, Shalin withdrew her Dewgong and switched ride Pokémon to Letheia, her Alolan Ninetales. A giant among her species, the fairy fox was taller than Shalin herself was. With a firm pat above her rear, the ice-type was off, cantering into the misty cave that was once her home. The hole she had once fallen in had been iced over, a new sign nearby warning spelunkers of thin ice.

A shriek caught the girl's attention, reining the fox toward its source. A wild Zubat was pestering , trying to siphon a meal of blood from her. Not standing for it at all, a quick ICE BEAM to one side was enough to chase the nocturnal flying-type away. "Are you okay, Robin?" she asked. "What are you doing out here? This place is dangerous!"

{WC: 145}
{PC: 1}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Letheia       A!Ninetales    Good
Lathiel       Type: Null     Good
Treble        Kommo-o        Good
Tinder        Flareon**      Good
Artea         Dewgong        Good
Caprice       Ninetales      Good
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POSTED ON Nov 9, 2023 19:29:40 GMT
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Robin adjusted her posture rod-straight as the ice beam knocked the Zubat away. She flipped around but immediately settled at the sight of Shalin, giving her an opportunity to exhale through the adrenaline rush of the encounter. "Uh, well, as luck would have it..." She looked meaningfully at Shalin's Ninetales, then released her Alolan Vulpix. "I heard Shoal Cave is filled with ice stones, so I was hoping to excavate one without getting to far into the cave. I'm not even that far in, and... man, is this place making me uneasy."

Maybe it was the cold, or the stillness of the environment paired with its isolation from the outside world, or some other thing, but it was getting on her nerves. Many ice types seemed to have unnatural or environmental elements to them, more like the world around them than like a truly organic animal. She figured that was part of it, too, though she liked ghost types which were hard to justify as animalistic.

"I don't really know where I'm going, but Dragapult has been watching my back. Well, for the most part." She paid him an unamused glance as he'd failed to see and ward off the Zubat.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Shalin Nariya
spelunking spirit [m][o]
POSTED ON Nov 11, 2023 17:40:11 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Shalin frowned upon hearing Robin's reason for coming to Shoal Cave. While it was possibly the only place in Hoenn where Ice Stone naturally formed, getting down there would be dangerous. "The only place I recall seeing Ice Stone here is on the prison level, far beneath. Come, let me show you."

The explorer's Alolan Ninetales eyed the Vulpix and chatted with the smaller Pokémon about this place once being her home. She reined the ice-type toward a large, frozen waterfall that Shalin and Robin could see through. On the other side of it was a wonder of a Hoenn long since past: a buried ice castle. "It's at the bottom of the Crystal Trench. Getting there won't be easy, and you better be ready to fight Froslass. There's a lot of them down there." Robin's Dragapult would be able to handle things nicely, as long as they weren't ambushed.

"It's about four levels down from the ground level - the level we're currently on. Think you can handle it?" she asked, only proceeding to the first underground level if she got confirmation.

{WC: 183}
{PC: 2}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Letheia       A!Ninetales    Good
Lathiel       Type: Null     Good
Treble        Kommo-o        Good
Tinder        Flareon**      Good
Artea         Dewgong        Good
Caprice       Ninetales      Good
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January 5
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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robin coello
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POSTED ON Nov 12, 2023 18:26:09 GMT
robin coello Avatar

The frozen waterfall was awe-inspiring, but Robin was conflicted when Shalin explained how deep they would be spelunking. She thought the ice stones wouldn't be too far from the surface because of pokemon movement and maybe even the work of earlier excavations. She didn't think she was claustrophobic, but...

"Okay," she said before she had even made peace with the idea, "let's do it." She followed Shalin after getting onto Dragapult's back. He traversed the icy terrain far better than her, and it'd be harder to change her mind and bail while on Dragapult, who liked Shalin and her Ninetails.

"Um. There's nothing else in these few levels besides the usual suspects, right? Just some ice pokemon, maybe some ground types and all that?" She looked around every corner, wondering if there was something darker waiting for them. "And we won't be, like, a million feet below the surface?" Dragapult was fast, but if there was a cave-in... She laughed nervously and tried to play it off. "This is going to be my deepest expedition. Just curious."

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Shalin Nariya
spelunking spirit [m][o]
POSTED ON Nov 13, 2023 18:40:20 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Shalin cautioned that there were a couple of dangers lurking deep within the depths of the cave. 's Glastrier roamed all but the uppermost levels, and his Articuno was at the very bottom level, though they stayed in a specific spot they would have ample warning on. While the Captain could not name the Galarian or Kantonian species, her descriptions of them were clear enough that if Robin knew of the two, she would know they were not to be messed with.

"It's not that deep. A few hundred feet at most," the green rider reassured Robin as she led the way past their viewpoint and down the first ice tunnel. It was a gradual descent, lengthy rather than deep. Toward the end, the natural rock gave way to ice-laden mortars. Before they could get too far in, though, a pair of Beartic growled at them. A much steeper ice slide was right in front of the duo if they needed a sudden escape route, but if they wanted to explore anywhere else, the wilds were making them fight for it!

{WC: 182}
{PC: 3}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Letheia       A!Ninetales    Good
Lathiel       Type: Null     Good
Treble        Kommo-o        Good
Tinder        Flareon**      Good
Artea         Dewgong        Good
Caprice       Ninetales      Good
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January 5
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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robin coello
spelunking spirit [m][o]
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2023 18:13:53 GMT
robin coello Avatar

Robin nodded as Shalin assured her it would only be a few hundred feet down. She reminded herself that things were okay, especially because she had an experienced explorer with her who knew the caves. Still... Robin couldn't shake the bout of paranoia.

It reared its head before long with two Beartic blocking them. The one closest to Robin used slash at her, but Dragapult was fast enough to push himself backwards away from the strike. Meanwhile, Vulpix used disable to keep the Beartic from trying it again. Dragapult readied a dragon-type move, but remembered Robin at the last minute and paused -- the two of them had not practiced combat while riding, only movement.

Robin patted his head comfortingly as she slid off his back quickly, giving him the maneuverability to charge forward with dragon rush, tackling the Beartic to the wall behind him. It made the ground shake briefly, causing Robin to emit a small "Eeep!" as Vulpix stood defensively in front of her, creating a mist to prevent either Beartic from turning on Robin again easily.

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March 18
Ecruteak City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Shalin Nariya
spelunking spirit [m][o]
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2023 7:11:03 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
The battle escalated quickly, one of the wilds slicing toward Robin's two Pokémon. The second looked to double-team the nervous explorer, too, were it not for Captain Nariya's quick intervention. She hurled Lathiel's Poké Ball between Robin and the ice-types just in time: the DRAGON RUSH unsteadied Letheia's footing, causing Shalin to lurch and nearly fall off her giant fox.

One of the two white Pokémon turned tail, leaving the other to defend its territory against the invading Type: Null. SLASH met CRUSH CLAW in a flurry of blows that sounded like clashing swords, the blood of both Pokémon spraying from their paws as the brawl quickly grew intense. A TRI ATTACK to the face knocked the Beartic silly.

Once the battle was over and the mist cleared, Shalin breathed a sigh of relief; it seemed Robin was okay. "Down that slide is the way forward, but there's a real wonder of Hoenn down here if you're willing to take a slight detour," she offered, gesturing toward the ice slabs that had sank into the floor during the confusion of the battle. Beyond them looked like the top of a frozen guard tower of some sort.

{WC: 199}
{PC: 4}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Letheia       A!Ninetales    Good
Lathiel       Type: Null     Fair
Treble        Kommo-o        Good
Tinder        Flareon**      Good
Artea         Dewgong        Good
Caprice       Ninetales      Good
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January 5
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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robin coello
spelunking spirit [m][o]
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2023 20:33:30 GMT
robin coello Avatar

Type: Null was definitely more obedient than she'd seen it back at their first Border expedition. She was glad the pokemon was so cooperative, because it was no less fierce than it'd been initially. Robin relaxed as the Beartic fled.

A detour? Hm. It wouldn't take them super deep into the cave, and she had Shalin, so things were safe enough. Besides, what if there was something super awesome over there? She didn't want to waste the whole spelunking trip just seeing a couple rocks and icicles. "Okay, let's go check it out!" She mounted Dragapult again, letting the pokemon traverse the uneasy terrain as she followed Shalin to the wonder. As the scene began to unfold before her, she was awed. "What could have unfolded here?"

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Shalin Nariya
spelunking spirit [m][o]
POSTED ON Nov 19, 2023 16:07:52 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
The scene before was indeed awe-inspiring. As the two headed westward, the walls of the ice cave transitioned to icy mortars. In the northwest corner was a balcony whose entrance had long since been frozen by a wall of ice several feet thick. Water Pokémon with a tolerance for cold, such as Seel, could be seen frolicking underwater on the outside. It was like looking through the window of an aquarium.

In the southwest corner was a frozen desk. While its contents had long since been picked clean, there appeared to be a map of some kind beneath the ice. "This is a map of the ice castle as it once was," Shalin explained, remembering her adventures with where she first explored the dangerous cave and castle.

Lastly, Shalin directed Robin's attention to a tapestry on the east wall, depicting an icy equine that looked like it possessed great power. "This is a Glastrier," Shalin identified the rare Pokémon, having met the one raised. "There's at least one on the lower levels. They're really dangerous. Even I would be really careful if I tried to ride one." The High King's horse seemed to have a mind and personality of their own. Little did she know that the Glastrier roaming the cave's lower levels belonged to , the Composed...

{PC: 5}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Letheia       A!Ninetales    Good
Lathiel       Type: Null     Fair
Treble        Kommo-o        Good
Tinder        Flareon**      Good
Artea         Dewgong        Good
Caprice       Ninetales      Good
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January 5
Elite Ranger (ooc)
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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robin coello
spelunking spirit [m][o]
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2023 4:06:18 GMT
robin coello Avatar

The scene was gorgeous. Her jaw dropped at the sight of the Glastrier. It was regal, though she had a thing about horse-like pokemon and wouldn't approach it herself, ever. "It looks hard to ride." It carried itself so... formally? Majestically? It was hard to look away. "I had no idea all of this was under here. It almost makes the danger worth it."

She scratched Dragapult's head, looking around. "I can see why you might have made a few trips down here. What else have you seen that compares? Maybe you should run some Hoenn tour guides." She had lived in Hoenn her whole life, but even travelling constantly as a Ranger, there was so much she was missing.

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March 18
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Shalin Nariya
spelunking spirit [m][o]
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2023 18:46:06 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
"And that's the joy of unearthing Hoenn's secrets," Shalin nodded in reply as she, too, stared at the tapestry. The ice-type looked so majestic, yet so powerful. Those icy legs looked like they had some real kicking power behind them. A Pokémon made of pure ice would likely require special gear to ride on at all.

As Shalin led the way back to the more natural part of the cave's first underground level, Robin asked about her other adventures. "Oh, that's such a long story. It might be better saved for another day. What say you we find a day to meet up at my Romping Grounds in Petalburg Woods? It's my home. I don't remember if I told you, but I live off-grid." With the number of Pokémon she had and her survival skills, she could sustain herself quite well, only having to go to town for special occasions. And her job as Captain.

Regardless of future arrangements, Shalin would gesture toward a giant ice slide behind the way they reached the first basement. "This slide is the only way deeper in. We won't be able to come back this way. There's another way back, but it's a bit roundabout. I want to be sure you've got the energy to keep going before we commit."

{PC: 6}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Letheia       A!Ninetales    Good
Lathiel       Type: Null     Fair
Treble        Kommo-o        Good
Tinder        Flareon**      Good
Artea         Dewgong        Good
Caprice       Ninetales      Good
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January 5
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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robin coello
spelunking spirit [m][o]
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2023 23:20:26 GMT
robin coello Avatar

"Oh, yes! I remember. It's been a while, but I remember Drakloak busted into your place in the Woods that one time." She'd learned a lot from Shalin that day. And the off-the-grid living had looked pretty convenient at first, but Robin's constant camping over the region while travelling as a Ranger had slowly been grating on her. She missed have a solid home, and she wasn't sure she wanted something so aligned with nature with how much time she spent exploring.

She followed Shalin to the ice slide. It was probably fun, but she couldn't see where it'd land from where they stood. What if it got really narrow? If the ceiling came in close, she could totally hit her head on a stalactite. She took a deep breath. "I'm okay. Dragapult's strength is more important, but he's pretty robust. He lasts longer on expeditions than I'd think with how energetic he is." She pet his head, then descended from riding him so she could get down the slide. "Alright, I'm hoping this is very sturdy."

She investigated the beginning of the slide, pressing her foot against it in case it was actually fragile. However, Vulpix came too close and nudged her, eager to go, and the duo went down the slide with Robin crying out in surprise. Vulpix made a pleased note as they went all the way down. The momentum was gentle enough that she was able to land on her feet, taking a few steps forward with the energy of sliding down. The cave was darker down here, no small holes in the ceiling to let in light. All the same, the sparkling of stones -- ice stones -- were barely visible, bringing a big grin to her face. "Man. This cave really has everything."

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Shalin Nariya
spelunking spirit [m][o]
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2023 22:33:07 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
The duo flew down the slide's twists and turns, its low friction causing them to rapidly gain speed. A whoop from Shalin echoed around its confines as ice sprayed around Letheia claws from making turns. The slide deposited the two on the cave's third basement level, a ruined ice arena illuminated only by eight blue, ghostly flames. It was one eerie sight.

"Keep your eyes peeled for Froslass, Robin,"
Shalin warned as she investigated the ruins alongside the less experienced Ranger. "That's the same reaction I had when I first came here, to the Crystal Trench." Letheia let out a cry, startling Shalin with a fierce bucking motion that kept the girl's reflexes sharp. "This was where Letheia and I first met. I think she's just excited to be back here. It's been a while."

While they weren't that large, there were ICE STONES embedded beyond the ruined walls, inside what appeared to be more natural, ice cave-like alcoves. Seeing Robin might need a hand extracting them, the Captain clicked the switch on another Poké Ball. "Tinder, think you can give Robin a hand getting some Ice Stones?" Shalin asked the saddled Shiny Flareon just a bit shorter than she was, whose tail was ready to point a FIRE SPIN wherever his trainer ordered.

{PC: 7}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Letheia       A!Ninetales    Good
Lathiel       Type: Null     Fair
Treble        Kommo-o        Good
Tinder        Flareon**      Good
Artea         Dewgong        Good
Caprice       Ninetales      Good
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January 5
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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robin coello
spelunking spirit [m][o]
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2023 23:02:01 GMT
robin coello Avatar

Dragapult came down the slide after Shalin, tongue flapping as a dopey expression crossed his face. He landed gracefully on the ground, ephemeral tail wagging. Robin turned her attention to Tinder as the two of them looked at the best stones to take; Dragapult came over and licked at a rock that he seemed to want, but Robin just sighed. "Why can't you be better behaved like Shalin's pokemon?" Despite the exasperation, she was pleased he was enjoying himself. It made her less anxious about the caves, but maybe that was a bad thing.

Shalin's warning about the Frosslass rang in her ears, but it had taken second place to her focus on Dragapult. Thankfully, the Frosslass that had been sneaking up on her was tackled by her Vulpix. "Oh! Those things are quiet!" She jumped backwards away from the fighting ice types. Dragapult left the tasty stone and threw himself into the mix, using bite on the Frosslass trying to slam Vulpix to the ground. "What's the deal? Are they protective of the ice stones?" She wasn't used to the behaviors of ice pokemon, but those she'd encountered had been largely passive or uninterested in people.

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